About Clearance for Ground Water and Permission to Abstract Ground Water

Think Green Enviro Systems Your Trusted Partner For Ground Water Clearance

 About Ground Water Clearance

According to guidelines released by the Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) on September 24, 2020, all mining operations, infrastructure projects, and industries that extract groundwater are required to obtain prior authorization from the Central Ground Water Authority or the relevant State Ground Water Authority in the form of a No Objection Certificate (NOC). The CGWA was established under the Environmental Protection Act. Penalties may be imposed for breaking NOC requirements.

Authorities Providing Ground Water Clearance

The Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) has been established to regulate and manage the development and utilization of groundwater resources across various states in India. In states where CGWA does not operate, state-specific groundwater authorities are responsible for issuing groundwater clearances.

Who Needs Ground Water Clearance and Why?​

New and existing industries, group housing societies, private water supply tankers, infrastructure projects, and mining operations must obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) for groundwater withdrawal. This requirement ensures sustainable groundwater management and compliance with environmental regulations.

Turnkey Advice for Obtaining NOC

  • Preparation of all required technical reports as per site-specific parameters.
  • Guidance for other documentation as per Govt. Guidelines and project requirements for obtaining required permits.
  • Apply the application on a state-specific online portal for issuance of NOC. (reframe the sentence)
  • Guidance for getting NOC, including query reply, if any;
  • Post NOC advice and guidance for implementation of required compliances for issuance of final NOC.

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